Montse Moscardó
El Barn d’en Greg – Rubí – Catalonia -EU
You Don’t Mess Around With Jim – Josh Turner
Album – Long Black Train (2003)
32 counts , 4 wall , musical intro = 32 beats.
TAG1=8c(short), TAG2=12c(long) , TAG3(mini)=4c , TAG4(special)=4c
Sequence = 1st, 2nd, TAG1,3rd,TAG2 ,
4th , 5th, TAG1, 6th, TAG2
7th , 8th , TAG1, 9th , TAG3
10th , 11th (16c) , TAG4 ,
12th, 13th
Choreographed by Montse Moscardó
Huercasa Country Festival 2023.
Old Fashion Time
Montserrat Soler Country Blanes - Catalonia - EU 2024-12-23 Old Fashion Kind of Love - Kendra Kay (Canada). E.P- Kendra...