video HD
Neus Lloveras de Terrassa
El Barn d’en Greg – Rubí – Catalonia – EU
Recreation Land – Tristan Horncastle
Album – A Little Bit Of Alright (2014)
64 counts , 2 walls.
TAG 1 = 16c , TAG 2 = 32 c , TAG 3 = 32 c
6th sequence only 32 counts
Sequence = 1 , TAG 1 , 2 , TAG 2 , 3 , TAG 1 , 4 , TAG 2 ,
5 , TAG 1 , TAG 3 , 6th (from 33 to 64 c), TAG 2 , 7th only 32 counts
TAG 2 final.
Choreogarphed by Teo Lattanzio (Picardia)
Montse Moscardó el Barn d'en Greg - Rubí - Catalonia - EU 2024-11-27 Angels - Ritchie Remo (IRL) Album -...